Ways Low-T Can Affect Your Love Life

Testosterone plays an important role in the daily health and functioning of the body, and a decrease in the hormone can cause a number of symptoms. But while the physical effects may be a little easier to see and diagnose, low T levels can affect social health and relationships in ways you don't realize. However, staying educated and getting the right treatment can help you normalize your T levels. The following are four ways low testosterone can affect your love life.

Low Energy Levels

One of the most common complaints in men with low testosterone is decreased energy levels. While it's completely normal to feel tired and run down from time to time, chronic fatigue could be a sign that you have low T levels. Due to a lack of energy, you may notice some or all of the following:

    • You no longer enjoy some of your favorite activities
    • You have trouble getting through the day
    • You just don't want to socialize and be active as usual

    • You find yourself falling asleep on the couch or chair after work

  • Realizing that your low energy levels are more than just exhaustion can help you prevent low testosterone from negatively affecting your relationships.
Mood Changes

Another  of the four ways low testosterone affects your love life is by causing a number of mental and emotional changes, including anxiety and irritability. One study even found that men with low testosterone were more likely to experience symptoms of depression.  Mood swings and mental changes can cause confusion and difficulty communicating with a partner, which can affect any relationship. Often,  people close to you begin to notice these symptoms faster than you do, so it's important to listen to your loved ones. By talking to your doctor about ways to manage these symptoms, you can get back to feeling better.

Decreased Sex Drive

Along with low energy and emotional changes, one of the most common  symptoms associated with low testosterone is a decrease in sex drive, or  libido. While this is generally normal for any aging male, a  significant decrease in sex drive at any age could be rooted in low T  levels.  Many men suffering from low testosterone report  that they still find their partners desirable, but the drive is no  longer there. And, although there is no direct link between low  testosterone and erectile dysfunction, low T levels are thought to contribute to many conditions that lead to erectile dysfunction. These symptoms can put strain on any relationship if not addressed.


Along with decreased sex drive, decreased energy, and mood swings, men with low testosterone may also experience weight gain, lack of body hair, gynecomastia (development of breast tissue), loss of muscle mass, and other physical symptoms. Dealing with these changes can cause insecurity in your physical and emotional state and affect your relationship with your romantic partner. Fortunately, there are several different treatments available to help you regulate your T levels and regain your confidence. As you take the necessary steps to overcome the problem, it's important to be educated about the four ways low testosterone affects your love life. Talk to your partner, record your symptoms, and talk to your doctor today to keep your relationship strong and healthy.